University of Galway
Research Ireland


Dr Pádraic Moran

Principal Investigator; lead researcher for components G1, M

Pádraic Moran is a Lecturer in Classics at the University of Galway, with research interests in the cultural history of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, focusing on education, scholarship and language interaction—especially Latin (including Hiberno-Latin), Greek and Old Irish.

He has published widely on Latin and Old Irish grammars, glosses and glossaries. These include digital editions of early Irish glossaries and Irish glosses on Priscian's Latin grammar; a 592-page monograph edition of the seventh-century text De origine scoticae linguae (O'Mulconry's Glossary); Irish manuscripts of Latin texts; and broader comparative cultural studies, with a special interest in Japan and East Asia.


Pádraic Moran

Chiara Corongiu

PhD Researcher, component L1

Chiara Corongiu is a graduate of the University of Cagliari, where she studied Classical Philology. She has broad research interests in Latin and Greek language and literature. Her role on the GLOSSAM project involves analysing the reception of Latin literature and the Latin learned tradition based on the evidence of glosses in Irish manuscripts.


Dr Adrian Ó Dubhghaill

Postdoctoral Researcher, component G2

Adrian Ó Dubhghaill's work focuses on computational techniques and resources to support under-resourced and minority languages. His research interests are in the areas of Natural Language Processing, as well as the Celtic languages, in particular, Old Irish. He created the Würzburg Irish Glosses website and two Universal Dependencies treebanks of Old Irish glosses.

Adrian received his BA from University College Cork in 2012 and an MA in Medieval Celtic Languages and Literature (Early Irish and Medieval Welsh) from University College Dublin in 2013. He studied Information Systems for Business Performance in University College Cork and was awarded an MSc in 2016. He also received a Higher Diploma in Irish (TEG Level C1) from the University of Galway in 2020. His PhD research, completed in 2024 under the supervision of Dr John McCrae and Dr Clodagh Downey, addressed the application of NLP techniques to diplomatically edited Old Irish text.


Adrian Ó Dubhghaill

Dr Vittorio Remo Danovi

Affiliated Postdoctoral Researcher

Vittorio Remo Danovi is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. His research currently focuses on the tradition of Vergilian scholarship between Late Antiquity and the Early Modern Period. He completed his D.Phil. at the University of Oxford with a thesis on the transmission of the DS scholia on the Aeneid, and his project at the University of Galway is entitled ‘Irish readings of Vergil: the Philargyrian corpus and its medieval reception’. In association with the GLOSSAM project, he will explore the relationships between the Philargyrian corpus and the glosses in high-medieval manuscripts of Priscian, and he will investigate how annotated copies of Vergil could be used as tools to store and produce knowledge during the Carolingian Age.


Vittorio Remo Danovi

Dr Mary Sweeney

Postdoctoral Researcher, component L2

Mary Sweeney is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working with the GLOSSAM project. She completed her PhD at the University of Galway on Hellenistic Judean identity within the context of the fragmentary tragedy the Exagoge of Ezekiel. Her research interests include exploring cross-cultural exchanges, and the inheritance of Greek educational practices and Greek language materials in the Latin West. Within the project, Mary’s research will include examining the role of glosses in the transmission of knowledge in Europe with a focus on the glossing tradition in the sixth-century Latin grammar of Priscian.


Mary Sweeney